PIN Bypass

If you stumble upon a Touchpad with a screen lock, but don't know the PIN, this process describes how to unlock the device. Do not use this procedure maliciously (but also: do not store anything sensitive on unsupported devices that haven't been patched for more than a decade!!)

Enable Developer Mode

The usual process for enabling developer mode won't work, since you can't interact with the device. You may get lucky and find that the device is already in developer mode -- which you can test by connecting to a PC with the SDK installed and issuing a command like palm-log -l. However, if you're here, you're probably not that lucky. Fortunately, the device tool enables developer mode as part of its process.

Follow the activation steps through to the end of running devicetool.

Install the SDK

Follow the steps to install the SDK on your computer.

Get Shell Access

With the Touchpad booted normally, and a good USB cable connected from it to your PC, open a command prompt.

In *nix-based environments, the command novaterm will launch a shell.

In Windows, use C:\Program Files\Palm, Inc\terminal\novaterm.bat

Luna Service Bus

From the shell on the device, enter:

luna-send -f -n 1 palm://com.palm.systemmanager/setDevicePasscode '{"passCode":"", "lockMode":"none"}'

If successful, you should get a response like:

    "returnValue": true

If you get false instead, don't give up. Enterprise setups required a PIN, so you can't remove it. Instead, set it to something else:

luna-send -f -n 1 palm://com.palm.systemmanager/setDevicePasscode '{"passCode":"1234", "lockMode":"pin"}'

Either way, you can check the set value with:

luna-send -f -n 1 palm://com.palm.systemmanager/getDeviceLockMode {}


Still on the shell, enter: reboot

When the device comes back up, the PIN should be removed (or set to the value you specified!)

Other Options

You can use shell to set a password, if you prefer:

luna-send -f -n 1 palm://com.palm.systemmanager/setDevicePasscode '{"passCode":"mypass", "lockMode":"password"}'

Alternate Instructions

This page was based on a historical forum thread, archived here.